Commercial + Charter
COMMERCIAL: TSA Certified as an Indirect Air Carrier (IAC), DMC Logistics meets stringent security compliance when shipping packages via commercial airlines. Our status as an approved IAC provides a global network of service for our customers, with the ability to ship anywhere in the United States – and the world – that is serviced by a commercial airline, securely and efficiently. IAC industry partners include Southwest Airlines, FedEx, and UPS.
CHARTER: While commercial airlines fly to 200-230 of the largest airports in the world, DMC Logistics’ Air Charter service lands at more large, regional, and local airports. Same day. Hazardous material certified. Critical urgency. Pick up and delivery. No size or weight restrictions. Ground handling. With safety and security paramount, increase your productivity hours ahead of the competition.
Same-Day, Next-Day, or Multiple-Day service, customers rely on DMC Logistics for security, safety, and reliability of service. Web-based delivery information 24/7.→ FIND OUT MORE!
RFP/RFI/BIDS or to open a New Account:
1-800-825-7274 (option 2) | salesinquiry@dmc-logistics.com
Delivering USA’s most recognized brands in national retail, wholesale pharmaceuticals and medical lab specimen industries.
DMC Logistics offers a variety of Logistics Solutions to meet the demands of your business.
Contact us today!
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